Canadian Statistics

2023 Year-end Statistics

The information on this page represents a “snapshot in time” taken on the date shown below the heading. Changes to certificates take time to be communicated from certification bodies to the standards, then be reflected in this data. Corrections are welcome and discrepancies should be reported to the appropriate standard (CSA, FSC or SFI) for resolution.

Forest Management Certifications – Detailed Report : 2023 Yearend SFM Certification Detailed Report

Forest Management Certifications – Summary Report : 2023 Yearend SFM Certification Summary Report

SFM Certification in Canada

  • There are 160 million hectares where forestry practices are certified under one or more of the three certification programs used in Canada
  • The forestry practices in the vast majority of the forests in which forestry operations can occur are now certified

SFM Certification in Canada – by Standard


Canada’s Forest Management Certification in the Global Context

  • Canada has the largest area of forests where the practices are third-party independently certified (CSA, FSC, SFI) in the world.

Canada’s Contribution to Worldwide FSC and PEFC Certifications

  • 44% of the PEFC endorsed certifications world-wide (CSA and SFI), and 29% of the FSC certifications world-wide are in Canada.
  • Canada has 41% of the world’s certified forest area. This is based on net totals, after double counting of areas certified to more than one standard has been removed.

SFM Certification in Canada – 2023 Year End

Standard Used Acronym Area Certified (hectares)
Canadian Standards Association CSA 11,733,593
Forest Stewardship Council FSC 46,342,312
Sustainable Forestry Initiative SFI 119,014,836
Total Certified for all SFM Combined:
(including areas double counted)
Net Area Certified:
(double counting removed)